Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Round 4 of Bladder Surgeries

It has been some time since I have updated the Blog. Once again I am sitting in Primary Children's Hospital next to Grayson's bedside. It is almost 6am and neither Grayson or I can sleep.

We are here as a follow-up to last June's experience. Grayson has had 2 other surgeries since June as follow-ons. As a summary as to what has brought us here I offer the following:

1) The stoma has completely died and is no longer usable. :-(
2) Grayson has had 2 other minor surgeries where they perform "Deflux injections" to shore up the sphincter and other muscles with "caulking" like material. Hoping to create more retention of fluid in the bladder so he will remain continent. Neither of these surgeries were successful.
3) So we are in the Hospital for Round 4 of Bladder surgeries. This time is more like the surgery last June where they open him up and try to figure out why he is still not continent. They found a hole in the bladder neck that they reconstructed last June which caused the bladder to leak around the sphincter muscle. They repaired the hole during this surgery.

This surgery will not take as long to recover from. He should be home no later than Thursday if all goes well.

Thanks to all of you for your faith and Prayers.

If you happen to be in Salt Lake City and have a few minutes, stop by and say hello!
