They're Done!
Approx. 8:20pm they called and said they were done! So after 9 hours of surgery they completed everything and Dr. Chad Wallis is very please with how things went. The only part that gave him grief was trying to use the appendix for the monty stoma tube. His appendix was tucked up underneath his liver so it was very difficult to get to and when they did it was misshapen and they could not use it. So he had his appendix removed. Instead of the appendix they used part of his bowel to create the monty stoma. That is why the surgery took a little longer than expected.
However, it is all done now. The doctor told us he should be able to go home sometime around mid-week next week if all goes well.
Grayson is currently resting in the Recovery room and we hope he does not experience too much pain. We will keep you updated.

Thank you all for your prayers and support. It is awesome!
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